Sunday, March 22, 2009

We have been in AZ almost two years. We enjoy our new home and feel acclimated to our new environment. But, we do miss visiting with friends and family regularly. So, I've taken a gander at blogging in hopes of sharing our family's experiences and stay better connected with you!! Enjoy.


  1. your kids are so tall! of course, but they look so much older.
    You all seem to be having fun adventures out in AZ. I miss you and your adorable kids.

  2. Yeah!!! I'm so glad you have joined the blog world. I look forward to keeping up with your kiddos and you this way.

  3. hey woman-fun to see photos of your kids-they look just like you both! im not a blogger/or blogger reader anymore--ive been bringing all bloggers to facebook--so come join!
    love ya woman-christina hales

  4. Hi Shellie, I can't believe how big your kids are! I'm glad you guys are enjoying AZ. I look forward to checking on your blog. Good job!

  5. hi shellie it is so good to see pics of your kids! This is a great way to keep in touch with those that are far away! I'm glad you are enjoying Arizona! Talk to you soon.
